Tuesday 31 December 2013

Beyonce criticized for using Challenger disaster audio in song

One of today's biggest pop stars is being criticized for using an audio clip of an American tragedy.
A track from Beyonce's latest album brings back the memory of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion.
It's a clip lasting just six seconds at the top of Beyonce's new song "XO," but the words themselves have been heard countless times since January 1986.
The NASA commentator says, "Flight controllers here looking very carefully at the situation. Obviously a major malfunction."
That's when Shuttle Challenger exploded seconds after lifting off from the Kennedy Space Center, killing all seven who were on board.
"I think it relatively tasteless as a matter of fact," said former astronaut Bob Springer.
Bob Springer is a veteran of two Space Shuttle flights.
He says he can see how the use of the clip could be insensitive to the victims' families.
"Most of the people who really have a sensitivity to the whole Challenger accident probably aren't listening to Beyonce. And those listening to Beyonce probably don't remember the Challenger," said Springer.
In a statement, Dr. June Scobee Rodgers, the widow of Challenger Commander Dick Scobee, told us "We were disappointed to learn that an audio clip from the day we lost our heroic Challenger crew was used in the song 'XO.'"
The moment included in this song is an emotionally difficult one for the challenger families, colleagues and friends."
Dr. Scobee Rodgers is the founding chair of the Washington DC based Challenger Center for Space Science Education.
NASA also released a statement saying in part, "The Challenger accident is an important part of our history; A tragic reminder that space exploration is risky and should never be trivialized."
Beyonce released a statement to ABC News, saying the song was recorded to quote, "help heal those who have lost loved ones."

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